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Greatest Research Paper Topics in US

There are a myriad of research paper topics you can pick from. Whether you want to learn about the history of the United States or how to help the sick and poor there’s something for you to research and write about.

Civil rights act of 1957

The Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first federal law to protect civil rights since the Reconstruction period, was enacted in 1957. It created the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, which was charged with enforcing the law.

About twenty percent of black Americans had never registered to vote before the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Many Southern counties had strict voter registration laws that prevented blacks from exercising their right to vote.

The law also created a federal Civil Rights Commission that was charged with the identification and elimination of discrimination. It also provided for a court order to prevent states from interfering with the rights of a voter.

Red Summer 1919

The United States saw its highest levels of racial violence in 1919. The most violent riots broke out in Chicago and Washington, DC. Many people died in the riots, and thousands were injured.

Many of these incidents were caused by local government failure to act. African Americans and other members of the Black community responded aggressively against the violence of racial origin. However, most of the attacks were perpetrated by white mobs.

Many African Americans fled racial violence in West cities because of the riots. This resulted in an influx of new jobs in warehouses and factories.

The “Red Summer” period is a pivotal moment in the development and history of the civil rights movement. It was the beginning of brave reporting by journalists of color. And it contributed to an African-American distrust of white authority.

Participation of Native Americans in American wars

The United States’ military history has seen significant Native American participation in American conflicts. More than 44,000 Native American soldiers fought with distinction during World War II. They were part of combat and noncombat units, which contributed to the overall effort.

American Indian warriors have been rewarded with Congressional Medals of Honor for their bravery. In addition, Native American airmen best paper writing site have also been heroically fought in every war of this century.

The Arikara War, which took place close to the Missouri River in South Dakota was the scene of the first battle between the United States (now the United States) and the western Native Americans. The fight saw participation from many tribes, including the Apache and Comanche.


The Ku-Klux-Klan is a native-born American terrorist organization that is a racist. It has existed for more than a century, and although it has fallen out favor however, it has had a lasting impact on politics. The Klan was an important allies in the overthrow and reorganization Republican Reconstruction governments in southern states following the Civil War.

The Ku Klux Klan was diverse in its early days. They were diverse ideologically, culturally, and socioeconomically. They made their mark through advocating the virtues of white supremacy and, in some cases anti-Semitism. They also played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement of the South. During the 1960s, the Klan was more than an odd cult.

Non-profits sponsor research in diabetes

There are numerous non-profits which fund research on diabetes in the US. These charities are committed to improving the lives of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and are committed to finding an effective treatment for the disease.

Among these organizations are Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, and the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation. This is the most well-known diabetes research charity in the United States.

Another fantastic charity that helps fund research in diabetes is the American Diabetes Association. It holds hundreds of events across the country to raise funds for research into diabetes. The organization also offers information and advocacy to assist people with the disease.

Famous people from the US

You will need to do more than just drink and brawls in order to write a research paper about the topic. It is a good idea to look for more formal research resources and do so before you embark on an abracadabra session during your spare time. The best way to accomplish this is to pick up a few books during your spare time and do some research on your subject matter. This will help you determine what you should include in a bibliography. You should also consider researching the people you are planning to interview.

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